~ Miranda Harrison ~ ~
~ NEWS 2023 ~

Having paused Page to Stage London since 2020, my new year's resolution was to re-launch it! I decided it would be fun to start this new chapter with a co-organiser rather than doing it solo. I am delighted that actor/writer Georgina Periam has joined me, and we are now excitedly planning.

A key part of re-launching Page to Stage London was to update the branding. We wanted it to be fresh and inviting, and to catch people's attention across social media. Bands of red, blue and green now feature in our posts, while the logo uses the original artwork in a new setting.

MARCH 2023
I was invited to feature in a comedy music video, using deep fake technology to represent laughable characters in the media. It was for the Pulped channel, and was hilarious to shoot. I await the footage - my character could be described as the biggest flop in recent political history!

APRIL 2023
After weeks of planning (reading scripts, casting actors and directors, bringing together an industry panel, sourcing a new venue, promoting the event), we re-launched Page to Stage London on 25 April. It was a fantastic evening - so much talent, an inspiring panel, and a full house!

MAY 2023
Very much enjoyed an Actors Guild workshop exploring Ibsen's Ghosts, led by director Joe Hill-Gibbins. Working together on scenes, we not only explored character and plot development but also discovered how much variation there was between the translations in different editions. Really interesting choices.

JUNE 2023
Off to Bournemouth this month, to run the N1 workshop about co-op agencies with students at AUB (Arts University Bournemouth). Stayed the night to build in a bit of seaside exploring! And our 2nd Page to Stage London event of 2024 went really well; fun pieces, great directors + actors, and a fab expert panel.

JULY 2023
Received a few scenes from a Chinese / English LGBTQIA+ film that I shot last year, about gay young Chinese people living in London (I played a lesbian woman who they met). In a cruel twist of fate, a key member of the production team was forced to return to China; the film remains incomplete.

At the Space this month, playing Debbie in Feast, a new full-length play by Miranda Barrett. It was a play reading and discussion event. The script notes describe Debbie as: 'Cleverer than she lets on. Not a good nursing assistant. Might be a good person'. Great fun to play, and an interesting discussion afterwards.

Photo of the N1 AGM in full swing. We set aside a day to tackle every aspect of running our business, from financial reporting to catching up on initiatives, presenting new ideas and finding ways to resolve problems. Meanwhile, after a summer break, Page to Stage London was back with another fun event this month.
Another aspect of N1 co-op life is an ongoing programme of workshops, organised by members specifically for us. We had two this month. One looked at contracts, highlighting contentious clauses to look out for, and discussing ways of negotiating better terms. The other was an intro to Michael Chekhov techniques. Both were really interesting.

Photo of the November Page to Stage London event. Left to right: Georgina Periam (co-host), and the panel comprising playwrights Mike Elliston and Daniel Ward, and actor, director + script advisor Veronica Quilligan. The Water Rats is the perfect venue for our event, seating 80-100 people and running a great bar afterwards.

Had an interesting self-tape to do this month, comprising 3 scenes in a Yorkshire accent. Luckily the other half is Yorkshire born, so I had the perfect reader for the job. Photo: the N1 Christmas party was a fun night of quizzing, eating and drinking, and catching up with current and past members. A bunch of happy faces!