~ Miranda Harrison ~ ~
~ NEWS 2015 ~
Pic: Performing as Mrs Zizou in No White Mongoose for Wilma, a surrealist play about the Victorian desire to eat increasingly exotic animals. Meanwhile, successfully auditioned for two February shows:
The Mesmer (part of KimBo Theatre's event 'See Through: A Night of Ghostly Terrors') and Doe, for the Unheard Festival (new writing on themes of sexual abuse + violence).
Doe: Packed audience for rehearsed reading Doe, at the Unheard Festival.
I played Dee, abused and caught in a catch-22 scenario. The Mesmer: lengthy almost monologic script centred around Mme Zedmore, a Victorian spiritualist with dark intentions. Learnt in a handful of days, and performed on 2 nights to fantastic audiences. Loved doing it!
MARCH 2015
Attended the Castathon at the Actors Centre – 10 mins to talk to the CDs of your choice. Had some good discussions (plus conflicting advice, as ever!). Did more v/o work: voicing animated demos for Cisco (clearly (explaining technological concepts). Really enjoyed another Scaffold Shakespeare workshop, doing Measure for Measure. And we had a great Page to Stage this month.
MAY 2015
Attended the first ever live event presented by Samuel French Ltd. – an excellent talk by CD Richard Evans entitled 'The Things They Don't Teach You In Drama School'. This 2-hour interactive workshop took place at Charing Cross Theatre, and was absolutely packed. And we had another great Page to Stage.
JUNE 2015
The month began with more v/o work for Taleka. Also did some great workshops and classes, including a mime taster class at Morley College and Casting Shakespeare with CD Annelie Powell, hosted by The Actors Guild. Also busy prepping for the ICAT Shakespeare intensive (see July), for which I successfully auditioned last November!
JULY 2015
As ever, organising Page to Stage involved a lot of planning, but we had a great event on the 14th. Less than a week later I moved to Bolton, to live and breathe Shakespeare for two intense weeks, run along the lines of RSC rehearsal practice, with ICAT (Independent Centre of Acting Training).
Pic: the ICAT gang with whom I trained and rehearsed in July, and with whom we performed an ensemble version of The Merchant of Venice at The Swan, Stratford, on 2 August. Trained by RSC actors Adjoa Andoh and Simon Trinder, and NT voice coach Jeanette Nelson. Worked with some lovely fellow actors. An incredible experience.
Rehearsal shot for More Than This – a comedy of relationships in which I played a doctor going out with a (much) younger man. Brilliant fun. We ran for a week at the Clapham Fringe Festival (14–17 Sept). The storyline prompted much discussion in the bar afterwards! And we had another great Page to Stage.
Pic: Playing the useless mayor in comic two-hander The Crooked Fork, part of the Talos Science Fiction Theatre Festival at Chelsea Theatre. Also took part in the Deadline Theatre challenge – at 10am actors (cast by showreels) saw scripts for the first time; at 8.30pm we performed off-book to a packed audience. Raising money for a brilliant cause: helping an actor to train in Integrative Child Psychotherapy.
Page to Stage was founded in 2009 as part of theatre group Artists Anonymous. However, since those early days things have changed direction somewhat - and last month we had an amicable meeting where we agreed that Page to Stage would become an entirely separate initiative. And we went on to have a fab event this month!
Loved playing a police officer who can't think outside the rule book in a rehearsed reading of new comedy Being John Barrowman at The Bread & Roses. And also loved being part of the Lab Results Show of the London Playwriting Lab (more rehearsed readings) – in one evening, I went from punk rocker to nervous academic to chilled-out Beatnik.